
Ok FakeHub, no offense, but from the beginning I’m not loving your porn site. Your concept is spot-on, but that’s where it seems to end, for me at least. I can tell you that there will be no self-satisfaction as I go through this. The site offers fake situations that end up in a fuck fest, which is great! The pizza boy getting it on with the hot college students as he delivers his hot pie is a classic for anyone who loves adult videos. Alas, they could’ve done better everything from the site, to execution, and even to the “talent”.

Firstly, there’s an annoying as fuck pop-up banner that refreshes on every single page. Let me click the ‘close button’ once and be done with it please. Especially since almost everything else you click directs you to the sign-up page. I think you got it covered guys.

The other negative I immediately noticed was that all the ladies look like porn star has-beens. I’m sorry girls, I know you’re just trying to make a buck, and I do enjoy watching an old pro every once in a while, but only every once in a while. I personally don’t want every video and fake situation starring someone who should’ve hung up their G-string a couple years ago. Also, they look perplexed as to how they arrived in this situation in the first place. These ladies aren’t hideous by any means, but there’s no sense of freshness going on here, and in this world, you need young faces, perky tits, and tight pussies.

Don’t count on the scenarios being any better. There are seven pay porn sites, I repeat seven fake options offered here. Fake Taxi, Fake Cop, Fake Agent, Fake Hospital, Public Agent, Fake Agent UK, and lastly, Female Agent. Wow, very creative. Now, you and I both/all know that there could be literally hundreds of fake scenarios out there to tickle our twisted fancies. Why limit yourselves to these very few?? Also, the majority are in the same vein, not offering much variety overall.

Let me also say this, this adult porn site is seriously, seriously lacking tits and ass. Sure there’s a boob shot here and there, but nothing to really draw in the serious masturbator. I make my masturbating decisions based on the look I’m getting from a girl while she’s getting pounded. Or holy shit that’s a big dick, how does that fit? Where are the cum shots? Where are the close ups of a tongue in an asshole? Where is the fucking?! Oh, there all in the videos somewhere that you don’t get to see until you sign up.

If, and that’s a big if, you decide to go forward with this pay site and want to sign up, the pricing is as follows: 2-days is $1; 1 month is $24.95; 3 months is $19.98; and for the year-long option, you pay a whopping $18.32 a month, that has to be paid in two installments of $109.95. Folks, that’s over $200 a year for shit. Most sites, sites that have everything your hard dick could ever desire, are usually no more than $150 a year, and that’s a stretch. FakeHubs, you get 2 soft dicks down.

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